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Is an organization about Energy Finance. The growing energy efficiency finance marketplace, highlights that businesses, motivated by the potential for cost cutting, are embracing energy efficiency. Scale up energy efficiency, the vast majority of commercial and industrial buildings .

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Why Your Business Needs Bitcoin

Perhaps your business accepts cash, credit cards, debit cards, and other traditional forms of payment. You might be wondering why you need a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin in your business.

Well, several large corporations and companies allow their customers to use Bitcoin as a means of payment. However, some companies do not yet accept this virtual currency as a means of payment. And that could mean losing customers to their competitors.

While Bitcoin payments can pose unknown dangers, this virtual currency also has powerful incentives. For example, decentralization means you don’t need a central authority like a government or bank to verify a bitcoin transaction. In addition, Bitcoin uses the latest technology, the blockchain. Therefore, integrating Bitcoin into your business could be what makes your business stand out.

Top reasons your business needs Bitcoin

Minimize the likelihood of fraud and chargebacks

Credit card chargebacks and other online scams are a major threat to modern businesses. And just dealing with chargebacks takes a lot of time. By using Bitcoin, a business can avoid chargebacks and other online scams. This is because no one can reverse a bitcoin transaction. Basically, bitcoin transactions are straightforward. Nobody can manipulate bitcoin app transactions because blockchain technology records every transaction.

Save money

Many merchants pay a lot of fees to process debit and credit cards. Because Bitcoin is decentralized, you don’t need a bank to verify Bitcoin transactions. This eliminates credit and debit card fees for your business. Basically, you can save anywhere from 2 to 5 percent on every bitcoin transaction. This means you don’t have to share your business earnings with banks or other financial institutions.

Bitcoin is a global currency

People buy this virtual currency on online platforms from different places. This means Bitcoin works worldwide, and there are numerous benefits of having an international currency. If your business exports goods and services or buys materials from other countries, you can use Bitcoin to save money and enjoy more convenience. Because by using this digital currency you can avoid expensive exchange rates and foreign transactions.

bitcoin360aiBitcoin can bring new customers

As more and more consumers learn about Bitcoin and its benefits, so does the number of its followers. More and more individuals and businesses are accepting Bitcoin and using it in their day-to-day transactions. Additionally, the benefits of this digital currency are bringing more and more customers to businesses that accept bitcoin payments. Some consumers are even looking for companies that accept bitcoin payments because they don’t want to use credit or debit cards. So, incorporating Bitcoin into your business could bring you more customers.

Building Family Towing Business Tips

There are unique challenges and issues in building a small family business that are different from other business models. Nonetheless, with the right mindset and genuine willingness from everyone involved to share responsibility, the family business model has great potential.

Tips for successfully building a small tow truck business

Make sure there are shared values

As with any leadership model, the people involved must share the same vision and values ​​for the proposed or existing business. Because conflicting visions and values ​​will most likely lead to conflicts and problems and make the development of the company more difficult.

Decide on the right type of company

A family business can be structured in different ways. Each structure has its pros and cons and should be evaluated in light of your specific circumstances. For Tow Truck in San Jose business, you should discuss this with a specialist lawyer specializing in corporate law and/or other experts. Find the experts in the towing industry on the map –

Define the different roles clearly and bindingly

It is best to define the tasks and responsibilities right from the start.

If you don’t do this, responsibilities can become blurred and mixed up very quickly. The efficiency and effectiveness of the organization suffers as a result, because no one knows which topic to address to whom.

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Get everything in writing

It may seem that it is sufficient to verbally clarify the necessary agreements based on family/friendship relationships. It is always good to put all business matters in writing.

Put emotions aside

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks, but an absolutely necessary one.

All emotional aspects that can arise in the form of a family business should be avoided as much as possible. The company can only function if everyone involved agrees to deal sensibly and realistically with the upcoming challenges and problems. Otherwise, emotions and “family burdens” can creep in and throw the company down the wrong track.

Be honest and transparent

The relationships between business partners should always be honest and open. This is even more important in a family company. Without clear and transparent communication, things can go wrong very quickly. All partners should see themselves as part of a corporate culture “Code of Conduct” in which differences of opinion can and may be clearly expressed without getting caught up in arguments or other paralyzing conflicts.

Business Budget Planning Is Crucial

Entrepreneurs and financial managers need budgets to assess their financial status and future.

Successful small businesses rely on the effectiveness of the planning process of a business owner. One of the most vital basics of the planning procedure is business budget planning. This is also one of the final steps of the planning process. To begin with, you need to gather financial data, forecasts, and industry analysis of the company to create your business budget.

However, along with the valuable financial information and analysis, you must also keep in mind the company’s overall business and strategic plans to create your budget. The best app for free credit scores can be very helpful with this.

Budget preparation

Budgets allow a company to clearly set goals, priorities, and spending capitals. It gives details where funding is coming from and where new strategies could add revenue to the company’s coffers. The items with the most funds are high priority items such as the sources of income and the various types of expenses. These items require accurate accounting and serve as performance indicators of the overall business strategy.

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Budget to evaluate company performance

Budgets are not only an important part of the planning process. They are also necessary to evaluate your company’s performance for every fiscal year.

Usual types of budgeting in companies

Static Budgets: These are a kind of operating budget which uses historical financial statistics to budget for expenses and income expected in the next period. Normally used by very small industries, these budgets require each line item to be increased or decreased by a percentage to reflect the next budget.

Performance-Based Budgeting: This form of budget considers the outputs and inputs per unit of product or service to achieve maximum proficiency.

Zero-Based Budgeting: This starts over each period and creates a new budget formed on the conditions at that point in time. To put it simply, it starts from scratch for each position and uses industry-specific and internal financial data to create the budget.

Variance Analysis: With a variance-based budget, actual and expected values ​​are calculated for each income and expense item. The results are used to try to bring budget positions back into range and achieve improved efficiency.

Using any of these forms of budgets can be another device for financial inspection of the company.

What Role Does Business Culture Play?

One thing is certain. By using digital tools, companies can monitor workflows and communication processes and improve operational efficiencies. Due to the ever more dynamic market development, companies are subject to ever shorter production cycles. So, the need for efficient internal and external communication systems is constantly growing. Collaboration platforms have turned out to be ideal tools for managing such processes in companies.

Setting a goal

In the planning phase, you must take into account that the change has the function of leading the company to satisfactory results. The primary focus should not be to increase sales. Above all, it is to ensure that the end customer is as satisfied as possible. The customer experience is monitored using digital tools and metrics that add value and drive tangible improvements in internal and external relationships.

How Cabinet Start-Ups Conquer Market

The foreign expansion harbors opportunities, but needs to be well prepared. For many start-ups, opening up foreign markets is a key to success. Many business models are based on some form of digitization and are therefore particularly well suited to international expansion.

How start-ups conquer foreign markets

Good preparation

Expanding abroad often involves a great deal of effort and investment, which entails considerable financial risk. On the other hand, opening up foreign markets offers unexpected scaling opportunities for your own business model. So the decisive question is less whether to go abroad than how to thoroughly prepare for internationalization. This requires an in-depth market analysis, a close look at the cultural, political and legal environment and good financial planning.

RTA cabinets

In-depth market analysis

Even if a RTA cabinets start-up is extremely successful with its product in the domestic market, success in foreign markets is by no means guaranteed. Rather, each target market should be examined individually. In addition to direct competition, companies from related sectors that may be able to enter your business area with little effort should not be overlooked.

Build local network

Even before going abroad, a start-up should try to build up a local network. There are a variety of approaches to this. The classic is hiring local managers or sales professionals. They know the market and already have a local network. Business partners, joint ventures, suppliers and others can also promote market entry abroad. However, all of this must be set in the right direction before entering the market.

Liquidity and financing must be right

Foreign expansion is regularly associated with considerable investments. Foreign companies have to be founded. The first employees have to be hired and products. In this situation, companies that are already successful in their home market and generate stable free cash flow from which these investments can be made have a clear advantage. However, start-ups often lack these. This is why the expansion has to be managed from equity. Nevertheless, liquidity management is necessary. Furthermore, start-ups have to clarify with their banks how payment processing and the handling of foreign exchange is best organized.

Tackle expansion as early as possible

Since this is the only way the business idea can be scaled up, most start-ups plan to expand abroad at a later date. Nevertheless, many founders put the necessary planning on the back burner. First, there are more pressing issues. However, early consideration of plans abroad makes sense in any case.

Insurance For Small & Medium Business

If you want to start a business, you have a lot of to-dos on your list. Entrepreneurs not only have to find the right financing, legal form and the right location. You also need to be clear about which company insurance policies are fundamentally necessary and which ones best suit the company.

Individually relevant factors are constantly changing. If you don’t stay on the ball and don’t regularly check and reassess your corporate-owned life insurance cover, you will quickly find yourself left out in the rain in the event of a claim.

Tips & tricks when applying for business insurance

  • First of all, analyze which risks could actually threaten you and evaluate them.
  • Then consider whether there are other ways to avert risks besides taking out insurance.
  • Give your insurer the opportunity to inspect the object to be insured on site and note this in the application “as inspected”.
  • Note any special arrangements in the application. These must also appear in the policy text.
  • In more complicated cases, request the involvement of a specialist for the relevant division.
  • Always get multiple offers.
  • Find out exactly what is covered and how premiums are calculated for each class of insurance. Do not under-insure, but also do not over-insure.
  • Pay attention to any risk exclusions and have them explained to you. Try to change them in your favor.
  • Agree on the shortest possible terms for the insurance contract. It is a matter of negotiation to still get the loyalty discount associated with a longer term. In the event of an earlier cancellation, however, this must be paid back to the insurance company.
  • Consider whether you want to/can bear a more or less small risk yourself.
  • Find out exactly how to behave in the event of damage.
  • Check from time to time whether your insurance still corresponds to the risk.

corporate-owned life insurance

Recognize and avert risks

It does not make sense to insure all risks. Evaluate the risks in terms of impact and their probability of occurrence.

A catastrophe risk can mean the loss of existence for your company. With a major risk, you may not be able to achieve your business goals, but your business will survive. With a medium risk, your goals are at risk when the damage occurs. Minor damage occurs with a small risk, your corporate goals remain unaffected.

Avoid risks by using a different manufacturing process or discontinuing dangerous products. With appropriate fire protection, external storage or data backup, you reduce possible risks. You can pass on a risk by taking out insurance.

Economic system is based on growth

Everyone is talking about economic growth but what does that actually mean? In short, it is how much the value of all goods and services produced in a country increases. This increase in value is measured over a period of one year. In the economic system, growth is a given. If you look back a few centuries, you can see where this comes from. Living conditions improved as economic output grew. Thus, wealth and economic growth became an attached pair.

Innovations play a major role in growth

Even today, technology is changing the way you live. For example, your health and longevity increase as a result of medical innovations. Innovations also make your lives more convenient. For example, when you switch from bicycles to e-bikes or order pizza via app instead of cooking ourselves. Doesn’t sound like a huge hit, but many small things are also innovations. Therefore, technology has a role to play in economy.

Is It Worth Opening A Gas Station?

If you plan to become self-employed with a completely new gas station, you often have more hurdles in front of you than is already the case with this market situation.

On the one hand, you have to find a plot of land on which you can run a business. In particular, you need to build a gas station with pumps and large gas tanks. On the other hand, you have to make very large investments to build the complete system. If you are not afraid of either of these, you can bravely start and set up a completely new gas station.

The simpler variant is a corporate succession

One advantage is that you will already find the basic infrastructure here. Then, you “only” have to carry out modernization measures. Rebuild the system according to your ideas. If you decide on a company succession, you will benefit from well-established processes, trained employees and a solid customer base.

Bitcoin and How It Can Make an Impact on the Economy

Bitcoin is an innovative new form of currency that has the potential to reshape the global economy. There are many advantages to Bitcoin, including the speed and cost of an exchange such as the ByBit Crypto Exchange (바이빗 수수료). Bitcoin has the potential to be one of the most important inventions of all time. Providing a new way to transmit money, Bitcoin may be able to help save our economy from disaster and create a more secure future.

Though Bitcoin is in its early stages of mainstream adoption, it has become a revolutionary new way of carrying out transactions. The most popular digital currency around with a market cap of more than one trillion dollars. The use of the blockchain has spread to different sectors of the global economy. It’s especially common in industries like finance, real estate, manufacturing, travel, and e-commerce but is also used in some healthcare applications.

Bitcoin has probably managed to sneak its way into most industries by now. People use it as a form of electronic cash and as a store of value for when the markets are having a down day. Bitcoin has taken over the world and a new milestone has been set as El Salvador becomes the first country to classify it as a valid means of payment. We see that Bitcoin has started to affect economic growth which was not possible before.

Read also: Role of Businessmen to the Economy

Stable economic opportunities

Bitcoin has stimulated several economic activities, some of which have never existed. For example, Bitcoin has made crypto trading easier, allowing businesses and individuals to buy and sell cryptocurrencies. This allows crypto exchange platforms to generate revenue through commissions for processing transactions.

Bitcoin has a number of benefits for those involved in the cryptocurrency world. It has helped people trade and makes money in an entirely new way. The emergence of Bitcoin has also boosted the development of other innovative cryptocurrencies, as well as platforms that help with trading, mining, and more.

Increased financial inclusion

We know about the inequality that comes from not having access to a bank account. Businesses, banks, and even governments try and make getting financial services for everyone possible. However, it’s difficult for unbanked businesses to carry out any transactions. Even when they have access to basic banking facilities, people still have to go through the law and the regulations set by their government.

Bitcoin is a digital currency that completely eliminates the transaction costs of traditional bank services. It uses a decentralized blockchain network and doesn’t require any intermediary to handle transactions meaning you never need to pay anything. Bitcoin is an open-source digital currency that’s accessible to anyone. Instead of having a bank account, people can just use Bitcoin. They just need a digital wallet which you can install online and for free!

Bitcoin is an innovative payment network that allows you to send and receive payments with anyone around the world without needing any other service. It has much lower fees than traditional money transfers, which makes it perfect for sending small amounts of money or for sending international remittances. Bitcoin’s free flow of capital drives global economic growth by giving even the unbanked access to it. It makes sure everybody can contribute and helps foster a more prosperous economy.

Secure Transactions

Big banks and traditional financial institutions are known for being extremely bureaucratic, as well as withholding funds that could otherwise go to investors. Bitcoin and other digital coins demonstrate a higher level of autonomy for their holders and offer more protection overall when it comes to transaction security. One of the many benefits of blockchain is that it verifies all user IDs and transaction histories in a digital public ledger.

The Blockchain is encrypted, making it almost impossible for someone to tamper with your transactions. Since there are no middlemen involved with Bitcoin, you have full autonomy of your transactions. With bitcoin, there are no middlemen, and transaction costs are cheaper than for other payment methods. It’s a great investment for people who care about their privacy.

Bitcoin has some cool features. It can offer a boost to the economy because it gives opportunities for new types of companies, grants financial inclusion, and improves transaction security.

Entrepreneurs And Economic Growth

Entrepreneurs are an exceptional species. Entrepreneurs, mainly innovative entrepreneurs, are important to the effectiveness of the economy. Furthermore, businesses open doors for job openings which can help in economic growth.

What entrepreneurs can provide?

Businessmen speed up structural change. They do this by substituting established, sclerotic corporations.

Entrepreneurs enhance economic growth: Entrepreneurs do this by presenting products, services, and innovative technologies.

Increased competition from entrepreneurs dares to challenge existing corporations to become more competitive.

Businessmen offer new job opportunities for both short and long term.

Entrepreneurial activity increases the productivity of corporations and economies.

Role of Business in Economic Growth

Businesses are technical-organizational economic units. They provide goods or services to cover needs and offer them on markets.

Companies, on the other hand, are legal economic entities for the provision of goods and services.

Connection of business and company

People often explain the connection between the terms business and company is quite different in theory and practice. The term “company” refers more to technical and organizational aspects. The term “company” refers to legal and financial aspects.

Businesses as technical-organizational economic units produce material goods or services.

Entrepreneurship Is Vital To Business

Great entrepreneurs have the ability to change the way you live and work. When successful, their innovations can improve living standards, and in addition to creating wealth through entrepreneurship. They also create jobs and contribute to a growing economy.

So entrepreneurship is important for a number of reasons, from promoting social change to promoting innovation.

Entrepreneurs promote economic growth

New products and services that entrepreneurs create can make a cascade effect in which they stimulate related businesses or sectors that need to support the new business. Thus, this promotes economic development.

Future development efforts in underdeveloped countries will require robust logistical support, capital investment, and skilled labour. From highly skilled programmers to construction workers, entrepreneurship benefits a large part of the economy.

Role of Businessmen to the Economy

The market economy is an inconceivable reality without the existence and development of business, of activities with a practical purpose.

A businessman is a person who carries out and initiates a set of activities. The businessman must characterize the innovation and risk. This way, he can achieve personal and material satisfaction. You can say that only those businessmen who are ready to face the pragmatic realm of the business world can succeed.

Roles of businessmen

The roles that the businessman can play, in the conditions of the market economy, require the formation and continuous modelling of his behaviour. In most cases, the self-improvement of the psycho-socio-professional training.

Energy Power In Different Ways

You switch on a device or plug it into the socket and it works. Although power always comes from the outlet, this power can be generated in many different ways. If you are interested visit this site ()

Renewable Energy Sources

Renewable energy uses infinite energy sources, such as the sun, wind, and hydropower. Governments worldwide recognize that the share of renewable energy in the energy supply will have to rise sharply in the coming years to win the fight against climate change. More and more sustainable energy is also being generated in the Netherlands.

Wind energy

You regularly see them along with highways or on large areas of pasture: windmills. There are also already a number of wind farms at sea and there are plans for many more of these wind farms. The green electricity that Essent supplies to its consumers come from European wind energy or, in the case of Dubbelgroen, from Dutch wind turbines. Technology is also getting better: one modern wind turbine can generate as much power as an entire wind farm of 25 turbines from 25 years ago.

Solar energy

Solar energy is also very interesting in the Netherlands. More and more companies and households are seeing its benefits. There are also more and more meadows full of solar panels that can supply an entire neighborhood with electricity. It is also possible to use solar energy to produce hot water in combination with a solar water heater.


Biomass is organic material such as wood or vegetable, fruit, and garden waste. Energy generated from biomass is regarded as sustainable energy because the CO2 that disappears into the atmosphere during combustion has only recently been absorbed from the atmosphere during the growth of the plants or trees. There is a closed CO2 circuit.


Little hydropower is generated in the Netherlands but mainly imported from other European countries.

Air and ground heat

Air and ground heat is also a sustainable energy source that is slowly emerging. With the help of an electric heat pump, heat from the air or the ground can be used for heating and cooling homes. The heat from deeper layers of the earth (500 meters or more) can also be used directly for heating a district or, for example, greenhouses.

Future of renewable energy sources

In Germany, a third of all electricity is already generated from renewable sources. The Netherlands aims for 16% in 2023. Many new wind farms are under development and more and more households and companies are using solar panels to produce electricity.

Traditional energy sources

But what about traditional energy sources? The main energy sources for electricity and heat in the home are still fossil fuels, such as coal and natural gas. Energy from these sources is relatively cheap and, in contrast to sustainable sources such as sun and wind, always and sufficiently available. However, these fuels have a significant drawback – they emit CO2, the main cause of climate change. The most commonly used fossil energy sources in the Netherlands are:


Coal is an important source of electricity in the Netherlands. Although 5 old power stations recently closed, due to the favorable location and the demand from industry for cheap electricity, 3 new coal-fired power stations have also been built by European energy companies in the Netherland. The major disadvantage of coal is that it is one of the most environmentally and climate-unfriendly sources of energy. A coal-fired power station, therefore, contains an entire factory to clean the flue gases from sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter. For the time being, however, it is too expensive to also remove the CO2 from the flue gases. That is why the government wants to close all coal-fired power stations in the Netherlands before 2030 as part of its climate policy.

Natural gas

Natural gas is widely used in the Netherlands as an energy source for power stations, especially to absorb peaks and troughs in the power supply and in special power stations that also continuously supply steam to the industry. Natural gas has considerably lower CO2 emissions than coal but is nevertheless only used for electricity generation in these specific situations because of the higher price.

Nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is a special source of energy. It uses uranium as fuel. There is one nuclear power plant in the Netherlands, in Borssele (Zeeland). A nuclear power plant does not produce any CO2 emissions but does generate radioactive waste.


Petroleum is mainly used as an energy source for transport (gasoline and diesel) and to make plastics. Oil is no longer used in power stations in the Netherlands. Petroleum also causes a lot of CO2 emissions. Alternatives are therefore being sought, such as electric cars and vegetable oil fuels for aircraft.

Fuel Company In The Market Economy

Companies play a central role in a market economy. As producers of goods and services, they offer consumers the goods they ask for.

Economic growth

Economic growth and a responsible corporate culture can be decisive factors in establishing human rights. You can enable people to live in dignity, for example by fighting poverty. This often goes hand in hand with access to education and health. It goes as well to the exercise of a large number of other economic, social and cultural human rights.

The Way Chime’s Banking App Makes Revenue

Managing Finances on Mobile and Laptop


Chime, which operates an app that permits its users to open checkings and savings accounts, also offers a revolving credit in partnership with Visa. Rather than charging account fees, Chime makes money by taking a little of the transaction fees that Visa charges merchants when customers use Chime’s revolving credit.

Chime offers customers the choice to urge paychecks directly deposited two days early. It also offers two automatic saving features, one that lets customers garner debit-card payments to the closest dollar, sending the rounded amount to their bank account, while the opposite automatically directs a percentage of every paycheck to a bank account. For patrons with direct deposits of $500 or more a month using their Chime routing number, it offers up to $100 in fee-free over drafting.

Chime’s Industry

Becoming formally designated as a bank could be a complicated process thanks to U.S. financial regulations. And like many similar apps, Chime isn’t technically a bank. The services Chime offers to its customers are, instead, handled by Stride Bank and The Bancorp Bank, two small banks which are neither both not publicly traded.

This type of fintech startup, which provides online-only banking services, is termed a “neo-bank” or “challenger bank.” This new breed of a service provider is increasingly competing with regulated banks in key parts of consumer banking. The typical U.S. customer today pays $329 a year in banking fees consistent with Chime, and therefore the main thrust of neo-banks is to produce an alternate source of checking and savings accounts with few or no customer fees. This mirrors the frenzy to slash prices throughout the financial services industry as brokers eliminate trading fees and ETFs lower money-management fees. Chime is one of every of the largest emerging names within the field, but its competitors are within the U.S. and globally. Backed by billionaire Peter Thiel, and Brazil-based Nubank, a number of the most important is the German neo-bank N26.

Fundraising and Financials

From 6.5 million some months earlier in December 2019, Chime registrations went up and had 8 million accounts as of February 2020. It’s important to notice, however, that because many shoppers have both checking and savings accounts, and a few accounts could also be inactive, its number of shoppers is lower. In keeping with Crunchbase, Chime has raised $1.5 billion dollars over 8 funding rounds, the foremost recent of which was on September 18, 2020. As of that latest fundraising round, Chime was valued at $14.5 billion.


ALSO READ: Small Businesses Are Less Likely To Get Loans


History and Leadership

Although its app wasn’t offered to consumers until 2014, Chime as a company was actually founded in 2013. It was co-founded by Ryan King, the current CTO, and Chris Britt, the current CEO. Britt previously worked at Greendot, a financial services company that gives prepaid, reloadable debit cards, and at Visa. King worked at Comcast and the now-defunct online address-book firm Plaxo.

Recent Developments

Chime has engaged in preliminary talks with investment banks a couple of possible exchange listings that might value the corporate at quite $30 billion, people accustomed to the matter told Reuters in March 2021. CEO Chris Britt said last September that Chime was progressing to be ready for an initial public offering (IPO) within the subsequent 12 months. However, he declined to treat any IPO plans to Reuters, saying that the corporate was considering all options.

In September 2020, Chime surpassed Robinhood Markets Inc., one of the most useful U.S. fintech start-ups, after its latest funding round. Robinhood offers commission-free trading of assorted securities, like stocks, ETFs, and cryptocurrencies.

After European banking app N26 started accepting the U.S., Chime has begun to face rising competition. Customers in July of 2019. Chime also may face an even bigger threat. Rival neo-bank Varo won U.S. approval to become a true bank in February 2020. Varo is that the first neo-bank to induce FDIC approval to become a true bank, so it does not have to partner with other banks to require deposits.

How Chime Reports Diversity & Inclusiveness

As a part of our effort to enhance the attention of the importance of diversity in companies, we provide investors a glimpse into the transparency of Chime and its commitment to diversity, inclusiveness, and social responsibility. We examined the info Chime releases. Any data about the variety of its board of directors, C-Suite, general management, and employees overall, Chime doesn’t disclose it as shown in their transparency. It also shows Chime doesn’t reveal the variety of itself by race, gender, ability, veteran status, or LGBTQ+ identity.


Helping Countries During This Financial Crisis

High prices for fuel and food combined with the world’s financial crisis are a triple hit that threatens the survival of the poorest people among them are millions of children. Children suffer great consequences from long term economic shocks and many do not fully recover. They suffer from malnutrition as a result of high food prices. This is a lost potential that will never be regained. This financial crisis is becoming a human crisis.

This will have ill effects the economy. Developed countries should interfere. They should help weaker countries that are slowly slipping to the edge. Crisis demands a quick response. In the poorest countries, one event can tip the balance from gaining ground to falling behind. The crisis in food and fuel hit the poorest economies. We work with other crisis to prepare for crisis. When emergencies strike, we respond.  When the financial crisis erased savings, jobs, and security other countries step in to support economic stability by committing recovery efforts.

Energy Sources

Energy is the ability to do some work.  It takes energy to move an object from one place to another, to walk or even heat our food. Energy is everywhere.  A fuel is a type of stored energy. Burning fuels releases stored chemical energy, which becomes useful thermal energy.

There are three categories of fuel, nonrenewable, renewable and inexhaustible. Fossil fuels such as oil, coal and natural gas are nonrenewable energy sources we commonly use. They’re made from animal and plants that lived and died in oceans and swamps millions of years ago. Eventually the decayed animal and plants turned into oil, coal and natural gas fossil fuels. Because it takes millions of years for fossil fuels to form, these sources of fuels are called nonrenewable which means it’s not possible for us to create them in a way that would make them ready for us to use soon.

The second category of fuel is called renewable, which means we can replace the resource at the same rate we consume, or use it. Biomass is an example of renewable energy source. Biomass is any material that was recently living or made from organic, or living materials that can be burned. Examples of Biomass are wood, paper, and crop waste. Biomass is readily available. The third category of energy sources like the sun, moving wind, or daily motion of the ocean waves are called inexhaustible. We can collect and use energy from these sources all the time without ever using them up. However, it is often very expensive to make collectors of energy from inexhaustible sources and we cannot always get it where we need it.

Fossil Fuel Usage: And the Effects of It

All around the world we depend on fossil fuels for our everyday lives. It is widely used in the economy, businesses and households. Oil is the primary source of energy. It accounts for 40% of the world’s energy consumption. To burn all the oil, it has to go through a process. This process harms the environment and every living thing on it. Fresh water is used to process oil. Out of all the fresh water in the world, only half of it is accessible. It takes 4 barrels of fresh water to make a barrel of oil. Fresh water and natural gas are used to refine the oil. The remains are dumped back into the water. This in turn adds toxic chemicals to the water which can be harmful to any living creatures depending on water. When this oil is burned it also releases CO2 into the air.  The CO2 traps the heat inside the atmosphere heating up the earth, affecting everyone. Our need for oil has become so important that we are destroying our only home. But we can stop this and make oil use sustainable. There are many ways we can do to protect earth.

Here are some ways:

  1. Learn to turn off lights when not in use.
  2. Plant more trees
  3. Help out in any way you can.

Because the earth is a beautiful place and the only one we’ve got. Let’s do are part as stewards of mother earth.

What are the Role of Oil and Gas in Global Business

The top two components of global trade are crude and refined petroleum. Oil is both the life blood and poison of the global economy. So how important is oil and gas for the economy?

If we think about the control of resources, oil and gas itself provides power and influence for those that control it. From this power and influence shapes political agendas, economies and the market space. Oil and gas is not just energy world, it’s clearly one of the most important sources of energy for the world today. It also happens to be the most important feedstock for many components that are manufactured and enjoyed by many of us today that we really to not pay much attention to.

However our reliance on oil and gas in energy purposes is continously shrinking. What’s alarmimng is, there aren’t any known alternative forms of energy that can fully replace oild and gas. This makes the demand for this enrgy sources go up in prices. The demand of oil and gas will continue to grow. If prices of crude and oil increases, it depresses the economy while simultaneously adding to inflation. More money spent on oil means lustful spending on everything else. In the other hand weakening demand will cause the price to start falling at which point, oil becomes a powerful reflationary force.



How Residential Real Estate Market Copes During COVID-19

House and Lot



The COVID-19 crisis substantially impacted the residential property market this spring. Health issues and stay-at-home orders contributed to fewer buyers searching for houses and fewer sellers keen to record their own possessions or let strangers enter their own houses through a pandemic.

Regardless of the steep recession during the first spring, house sales rebounded from the summertime. At exactly precisely the exact identical period, the health catastrophe created an economic toll on the kind of project losses and doubt.

Fears in the 2007-09 housing catastrophe linger in the minds of many, as a few homeowners have fought to make mortgage obligations along with the unemployment rate stays at historical highs. Due to the pandemic, most families are reconsidering their home requirements, as their houses are very substituted for schools, offices, restaurants, and recreation centers.

What Happened and Why?

Home sales in April and May fell to their lowest rates since the home and financial crisis which started in 2007, with lots of homeowners reluctant to sell in the aftermath of this pandemic. The amount of delisted houses increased over 25 percent from 1 year ago during early March to early April.

New listings were down over 40 percent in April compared with the exact identical period this past year. Due to a scarcity of brand-fresh listings along with the already low stock, the source of a home dropped to new highs. Inventory of homes available decreased 17 percent in April compared with the identical period this past year.

Buyers also decreased their home-buying action. Home showings per record from the U.S. were over 40 percent in April compared with the identical period this past year. Other steps of home requirement — for example, online search action, inquiries for representatives and provides made–were down sharply in April.

Ordinarily, a huge decrease in the need for new house sales would come with a fall in costs. On the other hand, the coronavirus chaos in the spring failed to lead to substantial price declines. The blend of reduced supply and low mortgage rates permitted costs to stay stable during April and May. Costs of houses sold were up throughout the pandemic in comparison to last year, compared to the cost declines seen throughout the 2007-09 catastrophe.

Residential property activity is dependent mostly on local conditions, therefore while almost every significant metro region experienced a substantial decrease in real estate action throughout the spring, a few locations that were hit harder by the stunt found particularly steep falls. New York City, by way of instance, experienced a 58% decrease in coming home sales in April compared with the previous year. Detroit, in which most property action has been believed blindsided through early May, found a 74% decrease in impending sales. In contrast, U.S. metro regions confronted a 33% decrease normally.

Home earnings in the Federal Reserve’s Eighth District metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) confronted similarly big, however slightly more subdued, and declines in comparison to the national average, as shown in the table beneath. The marginally less severe reductions in real estate action during early spring are more consistent with the reduce COVID-19 instances and less restrictive stay-at-home dictates in District MSAs in comparison with people in different MSAs nationally.


ALSO READ: How Can You Be Sure that You’re Getting the Right Investment Decision?


Need Recovers, Supply Remains Low

Regardless of the large fall in house sales on account of this pandemic, property action started to increase from the late spring, even upcoming pre-pandemic amounts by the summertime. Prospective buyers began to maximize their home search and buy action from the end of May.

Pending earnings in U.S. metro regions, which have been more than 30 percent in April, grew up nearly 30 percent by August over the year’s earnings during precisely exactly the exact identical period. Home showings per list climbed in their lows in March and April and so have been well over pre-pandemic amounts by May, helped by the rise in online and distant viewings.

Housing distribution didn’t recover at precisely exactly the exact identical pace. New listings, even though advancing in their April highs, were just marginally higher than 1 year past August. Consequently, inventory continued to decrease: In August 2020there were significantly less than two-thirds the number of houses available because there had been in August 2019. While medical concerns will continue to maintain sellers out of the current marketplace, surveys indicate the general financial instability and the inability to buy another home will also be keeping homeowners set up. Thus, the rise of real estate agents (see for example) to help home sellers during these trying times.

District MSA revenue action has recovered from the predecessors: From August earnings were above amounts from this past year in most of the most significant District MSAs. Similar to national trends, stock in each one of the four District MSAs fell more than 30 percent in August compared with the exact identical period this past year. Home prices rose substantially in July and August, together with all the Memphis MSA seeing particularly substantial cost increase by August.

Despite some progress in the market, increased unemployment and financial instability might continue to influence the home market through 2020 and beyond. Throughout the 2007-09 financial catastrophe, tighter and foreclosures lending procedures locked many from homeownership for many decades. There are indications of those long-term consequences.

Following a small gain in the first quarter, over two-thirds of senior loan officers reported tightening lending criteria during the next quarter, as demonstrated by a poll from the Federal Reserve Board. Many families reported facing challenging financial conditions and overlooking mortgage and rent payments. Mortgage forbearance plans and moratoriums on foreclosure proceedings have helped maintain foreclosure prices and severe delinquency rates reduced. But, things can get tough for homeowners–especially low-income and minority homeowners–because these programs perish.

Longer-Term Home Outlook

Though the present recession wasn’t driven by means of a housing crisis, the home market prognosis is unclear due to the abrupt financial downturn and steep job losses. But, there are a number of indicators of a return to usual. Buying requirements for homes have improved and return to wherever they were just one year ago, according to the August Michigan Survey of Consumers.

Many families cite “great buys accessible” and very low interest rates since the principal motives, while a year ago, much more families cited “wealth” and “home as a fantastic investment.” An August Conference Board survey noted that the proportion of consumers intending to get a house over the next six weeks has been exactly the exact same as it was just one year ago.

Much comment continues about the way in which the pandemic will reshape the character of home and work. Employees able to operate from home might put less significance to get sail and proceed further from the workplace. Additionally, families are replacing home comforts (swimming pools or swing places) with neighborhood amenities (parks or stadiums). This change also puts a higher significance on the particular qualities of a home and not as much on its own place.

It’s not clear to what level these changes will likely probably be irreversible or will undo. By way of instance, operating from home through a pandemic could possibly be effective when leisure and in-house media opportunities are infrequent. Home is a long-term investment and the most significant advantage for many families, so if tastes do eternally alter, the immediate financial instability may remain potential buyers to the sidelines for a while. Using a limited supply of stock, a continuing increase in house prices can make it hard to behave on such prospective movements.


Investments Help Fuel Economic Growth

An investment is money placed into an investment product with the hope of future gains or profits. Bonds, stocks and shares are examples of investment products that investors expect to benefit from. The money that you invest today is expected to be given back in the future but with a higher value.

Making an investment could also mean dedicating money to capital spending, building the capability of an entity to generate goods and/or services that it markets. In terms of national economy, these investments are resources that are returned to the economy to fuel economic growth as well as productivity. Hence, making investments does not only benefit the investor but the economy as well.

If you plan to make an investment, there are a lot of markets to participate in. To gain access to these markets, such as the stock market, forex market, and cryptocurrency market, you will have to choose a reliable broker to partner with. For instance, ROinvesting is a brokerage firm that offers its clients, whether professionals or beginners, CFD trading on an array of assets, like forex, commodities, and stocks. Is roinvesting legit? Yes, it is. Although they are new in the industry where they only started operating in 2017, the online broker was honored in the Awards 2018 by the Global Brands Magazine as the Best Customer Service Broker in Europe and in 2019 the Best Trading Experience by

Economic Growth – What Is It?

On an individual level, making an investment could mean expending money on one’s own business or investing money into investment products, like stocks and bonds as well as other products and resources that are intended to generate and provide profits, either short term, long term or both.

As mentioned, investments drive economic growth. Economic growth happens when it sees a rise in the amount exchanged goods and services over a particular span of time, which is frequently measured making use of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In terms of national accounting, growth is every so often adjusted for inflation values over time to present a measure of the growth of the economy in a more realistic manner. This could be measured utilizing the following factors:

  • Labor Intensity (the hours worked by the working population)
  • Labor Productivity (the output of goods/service produced at a period of time)
  • Participation Rate (the percentage of labor population who are working)
  • Demographics that compare the working-age of the labor population against the whole population

Investments and the Economy

Basically, investment directs towards the improvement of productivity, and when there is improvement in productivity, this would lead to growth. With this growth, more investments are put in and profits improve. In an idyllic and perfect economy, this kind of cycle is endless. This then would portray how investments play a major and crucial role in the growth of an economy.

Conserving Fossil Fuels

It is important to conserve fossil fuels for the benefit of the next generations.

Renewable resources of energy. These are energy sources that can be used repeatedly. We can get renewable energy from the sun, wind and water.

Non Renewable resources which once completely used, takes a lot of time to be formed again. Good examples of these are coal and petroleum.

There are inexhaustible resources that are unlimited or abundant and are unlikely to get exhausted by human activities. Examples of them are windmills, sunlight, soil and many more. Fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum are exhaustible. They take millions of years to form from planet and animal remain. However, necessary that we use these fuels judiciously and only when absolutely necessary. This is called conservation of energy.

We should always apply the 4R’s in conserving.

  • Reduce
  • Recycle
  • Reuse
  • Recover

Understanding Why North Carolina Has Extensive and Stricter Car Insurance Laws

Driving on urban roads in North Carolina is generally safer than on rural roads, where rolling hills, rocky surfaces and even livestock crossings are common. Actually, road conditions are major factors that have contributed to the high statistics of fatal rural traffic accidents in the Old North State. That is one reason why the car insurance requirements in this region are extensive, while both local and state police are quite active in enforcing traffic laws in the Tar Heel State.

Still, North Carolina has a lot to offer for leisurely road trips with its scenic mountain views and picturesque coastal villages. However, since the scenic roads crisscross from the mountains to the coastal areas, North Carolina’s rural roads are regarded as more dangerous compared to the state’s urban routes. A 2017 study conducted by Travel Reporting and Information Processing System (TRIPS) a national transportation safety group, revealed that 10 percent of the Old North State’s rural roads are in terrible conditions, while 20 percent are in not so good shape.

Statistically, about 62 percent of deadly car crashes in North Carolina occur on rural byways, while 37 percent took place in urban roads. Generally, motorists in the Old North State must always buckle up, observe speed limits and focus intently on the road in order to stay safe, as well as to avoid being slapped with costly traffic safety violation tickets.


North Carolina’s Insurance Requirements

Insurance requirements in North Carolina go beyond the minimum third party insurance coverage required to protect third parties from the financial implications of bodily injury, damage, or loss as results of car accidents.

In the Tar Heel State, driver are required to carry uninsured/underinsured motorist (UM/UIM)coverage in addition to liability insurance for bodily injury or death, and for property damage:

The minimum liability insurance coverages in North Carolina are as follows:

  • $30K for bodily injury to or death of one person;
  • $60K for bodily injury ro or death of two or more persons
  • 25K for property damage;
  • UM/UIM insurance coverage of $30K, $60K and $25K for one, two or more and for property damage, respectively.

Actually, North Carolina is one of 21 states that require UM coverage, while also one of 12 states that require UIM coverage. The additional insurance coverage requirements make North Carolina a “tort-based” state, where an injured party can claim damages from the insurance provider of the driver at fault, regardless of who has been determined as the driver at fault.

The UM/UIM coverage takes into account the possibility of car crash accidents involving drivers who disregard insurance laws or those whose coverage are not sufficient to cover for cost-intensive injuries.

North Carolina Also Requires Non-Owner Insurance Coverage

North Carolina residents who do not own a vehicle because they prefer to lease a car, or who frequently drive a car owned by a family member, are also required to carry Non-Owner Insurance coverage while on the road and behind the wheel. Visitors to the Old North State, who are driving a rented car must likewise make sure that they’ll be able to present a Non-Owner Insurance to NC’s state or law traffic law enforcers. NC police are inclined to check such insurance requirements from drivers of vehicles bearing license plates issued by another state.

That is why if you are to go now to North Carolina either for business or leisure purposes, it would be to your best interest to obtain a Non-Owner Insurance from a North Carolina online insurance provider offering this type of coverage. Although car rental companies offer Non-Owner Insurance policy as part of the rental package, it would be a lot cheaper to buy one online from Non-Owners Insurance

Bio-Based Economy

Our economy relies heavily on fossil resources such as oil, natural gas and coal. This is not at all sustainable. Many are trying to transition to a bio based economy making use of renewable resources. Bio Economy is using resources that can be replaced. This makes use of organic materials such as plants and some organism. However, using this requires innovation, joint efforts and cooperation. With enough research and education, we can slowly achieve this.

Here are some ways we can achieve this.

  1. We need to transition to a Circular economy. Encompassing an efficient bio-economy with the use of low-carbon, resource efficient and sustainable industries. We should adapt techniques such as “Green chemistry.” This is a key to enable this transition.
  2. Access to the right infrastructure, partners, investments and time is vital.
  • Assess business cases
  • Partnerships
  • Market Analysis
  • Users and Investors
  • Overcome technical hurdles
  • Training

Fossil Fuel vs Renewable Sources of Energy

Many businesses are slowly moving to the use of green energy. They see this as a move to attain a growth that is centered to the people and the environment. This transition is better for every economy and best for all that exist on earth. The use of clean energy is being introduced to many business sectors. The use of energy and fuel is implanted in the daily lives of human being. It is responsible powering homes, factories, hospitals, transportation and many more. The use of energy and fuel is in fact an important element for economic growth. Fossil fuel still is the most common source of energy. Yet this causes pollution to our planet since it emits at least 75% of greenhouse gas emissions. The use of renewable energy is more promising since it will minimize the risk and it provides a wide dimension of opportunities for the economy and most importantly for the world to thrive.

Business: New customers are important

In general, new customer acquisition is an important topic for every branch of industry and trade. Sometimes, however, this is offset by high costs for the acquisition of new customers: advertising, possible discounts in sales and staff who have to take care of the needs of this customer group. At the same time, there is no guarantee that new customers will also become existing customers. There may only be a single delivery of products and/or services so that the cost of acquiring new customers does not pay for itself. As a business owner, you can mix your bitcoin with Coinomize to generate extra income.

Why are new customers important?

Depending on the respective industry and the size of the company, new customers are indispensable for various reasons.

Here is an overview


A start-up does not initially have any existing customers so that the path to generating sales, profit and market share leads exclusively through new customers. It is these early adopters who invest in a company whose future is still uncertain. Without the acquisition of new customers, start-ups cannot survive in the long term. At the latest when the investors turn off the money and the company has to stand on its own two feet, winning new customers is the only means of long-term survival.

IT system houses

These companies, which take care of the implementation of extensive IT measures in companies of all sizes, are usually happy about a very high conversion rate from new customers to existing customers. Because here the customer often pays not only for products but above all for service. If the customer is satisfied with the work of the IT system house, the chances are good that they will establish a lasting business relationship. In other words: new customers are often also existing customers. Even if no growth is sought, continuous expansion of the customer base is therefore strategically important.


Numerous manufacturers and suppliers rely on a manageable but very reliable customer base – such as in the automotive business. On the one hand, this guarantees steady sales, on the other hand, it creates a dependency on a few major customers. By looking around for new customers, industry-oriented companies maintain flexibility and can react more dynamically and successfully to the potential loss of important customers.

The Volatility In Fuel Prices

The price of fuel this year had been constantly changing. Sometimes it goes very high and sometimes low. During the start of the year, the rate per gallon in the United States was at $2.58. After 3 months it dropped down to 31% or $1.77 a gallon on April 2020. Then again went up 24% on July of the same year. This holidays the average price of gas by the gallon is at $2.22.






There are many factors that can cause the up and down in fuel prices. For this 2020 its fluctuating price was caused mostly because of the nation’s response to the pandemic. This was mostly the reason of its rapid change, and it is being unpredictably volatile. High Fuel prices are directly affected by the increase in crude oil prices. Crude oil accounts for at least 56% of the rate of regular gasoline. The remaining percentage will cost for distribution and some operational expense such as marketing, refining, and taxes. Oil prices directly affect the price of regular gas.

The Depletion of Fossil Fuels

Coal, natural gasses and oil are non-renewable sources of energy. They are also known as fossil fuels. A large percentage of these non-renewable sources are globally used as the main energy source that people consumes.

Plants, and other decomposing materials such as dead animals and the like are main sources of fossil fuels. They have existed since the beginning of time powering life here on earth. They are very valuable because it takes thousands of years to convert as an efficient source of energy. As of now they are the most accessible and cheapest source of energy because of this fossil fuels are continuously and indiscriminately being exploited. It’s being consumed at a fast rate. This in effect will impact greatly our environment. 






Economies around the world use this form of energy and many find it difficult to switch to another form of energy because it is expensive and complicated.

We should shift gear because  of its effects and implication to our ever-changing world. As stewards of the earth we are responsible for the future. We should all start by being responsible and accountable energy consumers. 

Save On Energy And Natural Resources, Save On Homeowners Insurance Coverage Cost

Your home and your belongings are perhaps your biggest asset and your largest financial obligation. You then need to have some form of financial protection to ensure you have the funds needed to pay for repairs or replacements in the event something terrible happens them.

Typically, homeowners purchase a Homeowners Insurance Coverage for three major reasons. One is to provide protection for their assets, like the structure itself as well as the items within. Two is to provide themselves protection from personal legal liabilities, and to provide mortgage lenders satisfaction who usually necessitate homeowners to purchase an insurance.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage

A Homeowners Insurance provides this financial protection that you require. In the event your home and your belongings are damaged, ruined or lost due to circumstances such as fire, hail, hurricane or robbery, your Homeowners Insurance Coverage could cover or pay for the repair or rebuilding of your home or the replacement of your belongings. There are four types of Homeowners Insurance Coverage that most insurers provide.

  • Home Coverage. This will pay for repair or rebuilding expenses if and when your home was hit by disasters that is specified in your policy. This could also include structures that are detached from your home such as a gazebo or a garage.
  • Personal Belongings Coverage. This pays for the value of your personal possessions that were damaged or lost, such as collectibles, furniture, electronics and clothing, due to circumstances stated in your policy. This may also include personal items that aren’t kept or stored in your property.
  • Liability Protection Coverage. This shields you from financial losses because of property damage as well as personal injury to others, like visiting guests who gets injured in your property, if you are found legally accountable. This as well covers damage caused by members of your family and even your pets.
  • Additional Living Expenses Coverage. If your home is unlivable because of the damage or you would need temporary shelter as your home is being repaired or rebuilt, this coverage finances the additional living expenses such as hotel and food costs as well as other expenses you might incur within that period of time.

Homeowners insurance offered by insurance providers differ with varying limitations as well. Hence, it is imperative that you carefully read and understand the policy before signing. Furthermore, the cost of insurance policies also varies and there are factors that raises or lowers the cost of an insurance policy.

Saving on Homeowners Insurance

Insurance providers asses the improvements that you have done to your home and check whether or not these improvements raise the value of your home and/or lessen the risk to insure. Many homeowners make several energy improvements to their homes in order to have both.

Smart Home technologies and IoT devices are now used by many homeowners as they have the capability to cut wastage on energy, water, heat and cooling, which actually helps you save money on utility bills. Furthermore, by using and installing such devices and technologies in your home, you could save on certain aspects of your homeowners insurance. In fact, there are insurance providers who have started to offer markdowns on these technologies that avoid and eliminate the wastage of natural resources as well as alert homeowners on natural threats.

Norway Now Focused on Seabed Mining in the NCS

As the Norwegian oil industry continues to suffer from the lack of demand, the Norges government has all the more reason to focus on its deep-sea mining project.

Currently oil production in the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) has been reduced. The Norwegian government, which plays a more controlling role over Norway’s economies has passed a timely legislature that allows mining explorations on the NCS seabed, where large quantities of valuable minerals and precious metals like gold, silver, copper and zinc can be extracted.

Based on preliminary expeditions, it is widely believed that there is a wealth of already dissolved metals and minerals in submerged areas of the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The NCS seabeds are now being considered as the next most important resources in supplementing land reserves. In pursuing the new economic project, the Norwegian Parliament passed the Mineral Activities Act in July 2019.

Introduced for legislation in January 2019, the Norwegian Parliament saw strong opposition coming from the Norwegian Society for Nature Conservation (NSNC). Silje Ask Lundberg, Chairman of the NSNC expressed disapproval on how policy makers are formulating the legislation that would oversee mineral extraction in the NCS seabeds. Lundberg contended that the authorities have been starting at the wrong end, adding that:

Norwegian policymakers are into developing a law that will allow mineral extraction at sea, without first knowing how that will affect the deep sea’s unique ecosystems.

Even Olav Hallset of Norsk Bergindustri, a trade association that works toward sustainable mining operations, admits that although deep-sea mining presents economic opportunities, it also comes with great risks for the environment.


Key Takeaways of Norway’s Mineral Activities Act

Norway’s new Mineral Activities Act provides the guidelines in awarding permits for all exploration and recovery of subsea minerals in the Norwegian Continental Shelf, which were mostly based on the legislation for oil and gas operations in the NCS. The following are the key takeaways of the new legislation:

1.  All explorations and recovery of subsea minerals will observe environmentally friendly and safe resource management.

2.  The Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (MPE) will have the exclusive right and responsibility to manage the resources on behalf of the Norwegian State, which will retain ownership of all unrecovered mineral deposits.

3..In managing the resources, the MPE will first carry out impact assessment before opening a geographical area for mineral activities, and before production licenses for mineral activities will be awarded. .

4.  The awarding of licenses will be for a specific geographical area based on public bidding processes; whilst requiring license bidders to submit a detailed plan for recovery and operations, which the licensee will observe all times during mining activities.

5.  Production licenses will be in effect for a period of 10 years, and can be extended for a period of 20 years,but subject tomthe condition that all activities at all times were carried out in accordance with the plan for recovery and operations submitted.

6.  Upon completion of every recovery from seabed to sea level in a geographical area, the licensee will have ownership of the extracted minerals.

Seabed mining is projected to become a multi-billion industry, which if successful, will make Norway even richer than it already is. That is why Norwegian consumers can easily avail of any of the beste lånene i norge uten kredittsjekk (best loans in Norway without credit check) at their disposal, since they are the main beneficiaries of their country’s economies.

The Economics in Fuel

Some people may not notice it, but Fuel has been a very important aspect not only in the automobile industry and transportation but with the General Economy as well.

The rise and fall of gas prices directly affect the nation’s economic status. Higher price means we pay more for gas and less for other services and essentials. When Prices fall on the other hand, it costs a lot less to fill up on gas and so prices of various services such as transportation, trucking and airlines lower prices as well.

Noticing these aspects, we realize that Economics has something to do with everything around us. Finance, Business- even Fuel and Energy.
What Happens When a Fuel Pump Goes Out? | Virginia Tire & Auto

Shifting on Renewable Sources of Energy

Countries around the globe are more committed to preserving our planet. They are shifting towards the use of energy that we can replenish. Energy sources such as wind, water and solar are ideal energy sources to back-up the economy

Who is leading in renewable energy? | CNBC Explains

At the moment, almost all the economy of the world depends so much on fuel and coal for its energy needs. The continuous use of these energy sources has a negative impact on our environment. These energy sources are being depleted at a fast pace since they are non-renewable. As they are being consumed, its price and demand increase because they are harder to produce.
Most economies are shifting towards a more eco-friendly. Most countries are embracing their roles in being stewards of the environment.

How can You be Sure that You’re Getting the Right Investment Decision?

Before you get into xm 口座開設 and make an investment, it is very important that you make yourself aware of the basic factors that investors are using in breaking down the value of a stock. As we move further in this article, we will be looking at the frequently used ratios and to how it can help you about a stock you are eyeing on.

If you are ready, then let us get this thing started.

P/B or Price-to-Book Ratio

This is representing the worth of a company if in the event that it’s sold. This gives useful information as many companies, especially in mature industries are faltering in relation to growth but may still be a great value as per their assets. The book value normally includes the following:

  • Buildings
  • Equipment
  • Land

Basically, anything else that can be liquidated similar to bonds and stock holdings.

With mainly financial companies, the book value might fluctuate with markets because these stocks have a tendency to have portfolio of assets that may either go down or up in value. Industrial companies usually have book value as per the physical assets which are depreciating every year.

P/E or Price-to-Earnings Ratio

Possibly, this receives the most scrutiny among other ratios used by investors. If there’s a sudden increase in the price of a stock, then P/E ratio is often the suspect. Stocks may shoot up in value without having big increase in earnings. But, the P/E ratio can decide if it will maintain its trajectory. Without having sufficient earnings to back up its price, sooner or later, the stock will fall down.

One very important thing to be considered is that, you have to compare P/E ratios among businesses in the same markets and industries.

PEG Ratio

Due to the reason that using P/E ratio is not enough, there are numerous investors who are using price to earnings growth or simply, PEG ratio. Rather than just looking at the earnings and price, PEG is incorporating historical growth rate of the earnings of a certain company. this ratio is going to show how a company’s stock is winning its competitors.

The ratio of PEG is being calculated by means of taking P/E ratio of the given company and then, divide it by annual growth rate of their earnings. The lower the PEG ratio value, the greater the deal an investor can get from the estimated earnings of the stock in the future.

Small Businesses Are Less Likely To Get Loans

Small businesses have a difficult time taking out a loan compared to large corporations. But even medium-sized companies are already much better off. With limited access to banks and traditional loans, small businesses may opt to take out loans from non-traditional sources such as southeasttitleloans. There are various loans that SMBs may take however the difference is on the interest on top of the principal loan amount.

Reasons Banks Reject your Business Loan Application

Small businesses are more likely to be refused credit requests than medium-sized businesses and corporations. This is the result of a current study by the European Commission on the creditworthiness check of SMEs. A total of 200 interviews were carried out for the study with representatives of various stakeholders, including banks, financial organizations, company representatives, national authorities, and regulators. In addition, a survey was conducted through the Enterprise Europe Network that received 466 responses, and another survey in Italy brought 70 responses.

While the average rejection rate for credit inquiries in the EU was 12.6 percent, it was 17.9 percent for micro-businesses and 13.5 percent for small businesses. In contrast, credit inquiries from medium-sized companies were only rejected to 5.7 percent, and inquiries from large corporations only in 3.4 percent of cases. Even with interest rates, the SMEs surveyed still point to problems despite some improvements. 34 percent of those surveyed stated that interest rates had risen in the past six months, but in 2011 it was 52 percent. In other costs, 43 percent of those surveyed saw an increase in the last half of the year – here too, small companies were more affected than medium-sized and large companies.

In an international comparison, it was also found that credit requests from German companies were fully met in 86.8 percent of cases, the rejection rate here was only 2.5 percent.

Difficult rating for small businesses

The second major focus of the study was on the rating systems of the banks and the feedback for the companies. In view of the higher rejection rate, the authors assume that the feedback from the banks is particularly important for the smaller companies, as it can help them with future loan applications.

According to the study, the majority of the loans granted come from banks with internal rating systems (IRB), a share that is expected to increase in the future. Both qualitative and quantitative data flow into the evaluations, with the weighting varying from bank to bank. On average, however, the proportion of qualitative data is 20-40 percent. However, the collection of quantitative data can become a problem for small companies, as they often cannot provide sufficient financial data. The collection of qualitative data is more expensive and tends to be more subjective.

The fact that it is more difficult for small companies to obtain meaningful data as the basis for the assessment could also be the reason why small companies in particular show significantly less interest in their rating at the banks. The most important thing for them is whether and on what terms they receive the desired loan. Even with rejection, some of the study authors say they are not interested in the reasons, but instead look for an alternative loan instead.

